5 Ways to Calm Your Mom Guilt

5 Ways to Calm Your Mom Guilt

If there were an Olympics for self-flagellation, I’d medal without much contest. My Inner Mean Girl is quite loud. I have a tendency to worry about being right or understood. And when something goes wrong or I make a mistake, I beat my self up pretty badly for it. So...
34 Things I’m Letting Go of This Year

34 Things I’m Letting Go of This Year

This past Friday was my 34th birthday! This time of year often feels like a new year for me, traditionally a new school year and my birthday coinciding is a new beginning and the perfect time for reflection. This past year brought enormous changes for me and my every...
Why Pay Money When the Whole30 is Free?

Why Pay Money When the Whole30 is Free?

The Whole30 is a free dietary reset available to anyone who wants it. The rules are available through their website and there are free resources all over the internet, accessible through a quick Google search. Seriously, you just type in “is stevia Whole30...