Last December, I set an intention to be more patient. I knew that we’d be trying to get pregnant, I knew that I wanted to start looking into nurse coaching, and I knew that I have a big problem with living a step or two ahead. I’d need plenty of patience to get through the waiting. This proved to be an incredibly challenging goal for me throughout the year, and while I would not say I was particularly a rockstar and model in patience, it was my guiding principle. I set my lock screen on my phone with the word patience. I had a bracelet made with the word engraved in it. It became my north start, and even when I veered off path (A LOT), it was there to bring me back.
I plan to do the same for 2019. I haven’t found my intention yet, but I promise to share. For now, I want to share with you my method. This may take up to a few weeks to develop, so be patient with yourself (ha). Grab that journal or open up a fresh document in your computer!

Look within. Take a walk, meditate, pray, talk it over with someone who really knows you and your motivations. Do what works for you here. Ask yourself what matters? Can you let anything go? What do you want to improve in your life? Look to the year behind you and reflect on lessons learned and personal victories. Look to the year ahead, what it will bring, and what will best serve you on your path.
Write down a list of desires, wishes, dreams, goals, principles from the activity above. Once you have 5-10 items, explore your underlining motivations. What truly speaks to you? Is there a single theme, word, or phrase that appears? Does one item on your list hold up all the others? For example, if you have a goal of being more present, it likely helps you with your goal to be more loving towards yourself, be more present with your kids, and make space for fun beyond work. A great way to find an intention is to become familiar with your core values and have an intention that upholds them. Brene Brown has an exercise for you here. Once you have come to your final intention, write it down, try it on, see how it feels.
Set your action plan. This was my missing piece from last year. In an effort to not get caught up with a resolution, I did not set any concrete goals. You can develop a new goal on a monthly basis, have an over arching set of goals, or pick them as you go. This is yours, so do what you want with it. Here are some reminders on goal setting for you in a previous blog post.
Choose something to remind you of your intention throughout the year. You can use my ideas or come up with your own, journal, use a daily self care checklist, or whatever method is inspiring for you.
Check in with yourself monthly and examine how you are meeting your intention. Adjust what you are doing, take a look at your goals and progress, and course correct if necessary. This will keep you on track for the entire year. If you have veered of the road a bit, remember to look at your progress with love and kindness, gently redirecting yourself. We’re not looking for perfection here, only improvements, no matter how seemingly insignificant.
Let me know what you come up with in the comments to inspire others! I want to know what’s important to you in 2019.
In health,
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