Allow me to tell you my story:
Four years ago, I was burned out with bedside nursing. I am amazed by all my bedside nurses out there who have this on lock down. It is a hard job. After six years of feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted from the pain and suffering I’d witnessed, I needed to move on for my own health. While I’d started my online Masters in Nursing program, I needed a more immediate change and that’s when I came across something in my internet explorations about “integrative nurse coaching.”
Nurse Coaching
Nurse coaches partner with their clients, listen mindfully to their needs, desires and motivations, and work with them to create and achieve their goals. They combine the science of medicine and the art of nursing, utilizing different methodologies that suit their clients. Rather than telling them what to do, they are aware that the client is the expert in their health and will guide the way. Nurse coaches also focus deeply on their own health and wellness, as it is impossible to give great care without first caring for themselves.
As someone who had felt drained from their job in body, mind, and spirit and had been working on their health and wellness over the past year with barre3 and nutrition, this felt like the missing piece. As nurses, we too often forgo our own needs to care for others. Nurse coaching flipped that on its head.
Beyond the Bedside
So, I applied for a position at a famous health and wellness spa in Tucson. It was exciting! I’d be helping people get well and there was a koi pond and no ECMO! But something pulled me back. I wasn’t ready to leave the world of the hospital behind just yet. Looking back, this was absolutely the right decision and I am so happy with the path I took.
But, integrative nursing didn’t go away. Through the next few years it kept popping its head up in my life: in my Masters program, my classmate’s engaging keynote address at Tucson Nurses Week (she’s a nurse coach!), and the Integrative Nursing Conference. Finally, this past year, I began to realize that this was the path I needed to take and the timing was finally right. The signs were all pointing in the same direction for the very first time.
My “Why”
I want to get back to my nursing roots and do what I am meant to do as a nurse. For so many years, I have seen the reactive side of health care. There is truly nothing more reactive than stabilizing a chronically ill person just out of a coronary artery bypass graft surgery. I want to make life better for people, to help prevent them from getting to that place, to help them get healthy afterwards, to save lives in a completely different way. I’ve also seen that wellness goes beyond physical health. We all have expiration dates- why not work with our situation and make the time we have better in our minds and spirits, as well?
The Journey
A few weeks ago, I put in my resignation so that I can focus more on coaching. Today is my official last day. Here we go!
This January, I will be attended the Integrative Nurse Coach Association’s Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program. Through the following six months, I will be training to become a nurse coach. Finally, about a year from now, I will take a test to become officially board certified. I am also taking steps to become a Whole30 certified coach.
During this next year, I will be learning, coaching, studying, and being a parent, all on my own schedule. I am privileged and grateful to have an opportunity to solely focus on building my new business and I can’t wait to show you what I learn.
Why You Should Hire a Nurse Coach
Partnering with an integrative nurse coach is powerful. Because we have the experience of nursing, we have a knowledge base that is essential in providing you with good care. This background and understanding of the nursing process gives me a leg up on many of the health coaches out there. Coaching and educating is already a part of my practice as a nurse and this program will allow me to advance my skills. By working with me, you’ll be able to understand your own unique definition of wellness and approach your goals in a completely different, kind, and loving way.
Join Me
Over the course of the next 6 months, I will be developing my brand, launching my official website, using social media to market, taking unpaid clients, developing my program, and finally launching my coaching. To keep up to speed, hang out here on my website and my social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram (@catalinawellness). I’ll keep you updated on everything I’m doing and let you know when my services become available to the public. And, of course, check in often here on the blog for health and wellness education, tools, and tips! Pass this along to someone you know who needs it!
I want to send out a huge hug and thank you to all of you who have already shown so much love and support to me over the past few months as I’ve been slowly getting this off the ground. I am so excited for this new journey and I hope you’ll stick around with me!
In health,
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