
Journaling Exercise: Boundary Setting

Journaling Exercise: Boundary Setting

DECEMBER 4, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS It is so easy during the holidays to think excessively of other people. We’re buying gifts, visiting family, going to parties- it’s basically an introvert’s nightmare (ha, I’m kidding, I love people). It can be so easy to...

Reflections on a Gratitude Practice

Reflections on a Gratitude Practice

NOVEMBER 23, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS Earlier this month, I challenged you to make an intention to actively practice gratitude in your daily lives. In an effort to really focus on this single goal, I have been using Danika Brysha’s Self...

A More Intentional Black Friday

A More Intentional Black Friday

NOVEMBER 20, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS Black Friday is upon us. Suddenly, the drive to buy ALL THE THINGS consumes us. I get it. My email is a blackhole of tempting ads this time of year and I have a truly unfortunate addiction to Amazon, particularly as a...

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity Cost

NOVEMBER 16, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS A few weeks ago at our semi-monthly book club meeting, I expressed anxiety over quitting my current job. I didn’t know how my employer would take it and the uncertainty of starting a business is a little nerve-wracking. A...

Meal Planning for Dummies

Meal Planning for Dummies

NOVEMBER 14, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS Picture this: You have great intentions on Sunday. You’re going to eat healthier starting this week! Less sugar, more veggies, less take-out, more cooking. You’re not even over-complicating your goal, but come Wednesday...

Why You’re Not Sleeping

Why You’re Not Sleeping

NOVEMBER 9, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS I’m a bit of a sleep snob. During normal circumstances, I go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 every night. I wake up at the same time every day without an alarm clock. If I don’t get at least eight hours of sleep, I don’t feel...